M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd has a fleet of standard cars, 8 seater mini buses and executive vehicles. Some are company owned and maintained and some are driver owned. The services of professional drivers are used and they work to the highest standards set by this family business.
Data Processing & Storage
The following policies explain how M&R Cars obtain, store and process your personal information. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and are registered with the information commissioner’s office (UK) to ensure transparency and GDPR provision compliance (GDPR (EU) 2016/679). Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using our products and services, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
Please note: All telephone calls are recorded and all emails are stored for monitoring purposes.
What Personal Data Do We Collect?
We may collect the following information when you use our products or services:
– Name, telephone number, and email address
– Taxi booking information including the date and time, pickup location and destination
– Additional information including Aeroplane flight number, luggage and child seat requirements
What Sensitive Data Do We Collect?
We will only collect the following information upon receiving specific authority to do so from individuals who have agreed to our terms & conditions and privacy policy.
– Debit or credit card details (card number, expiry date, CVC and AVS)
How Do We Collect Or Obtain Your Personal Data?
– When you input your data through electron forms on our website
– When you input data through our mobile booking application
– When you contact us by phone, email and writing
– When you order goods or services from us
– When you post or react to our social media channels
How Do We Collect Or Obtain Your Sensitive Data?
– When you verbally tell us over the phone
– When you input data through our mobile phone booking application
How Do We Process Your Personal Data?
All personal data relating to the booking of our services and products is processed using our cloud-based computer software provided by ‘iCabbi Limited’. iCabbi is registered as a data handler for the purposes of GDPR provision compliance (GDPR (EU) 2016/679). For full details of their privacy policies please visit:
How Do We Process Your Sensitive Data?
All sensitive personal data relating to the payment of our services and products is processed using our cloud-based merchant providers ‘Judopay’ and ‘Stripe’. Both Judopay and Stripe are PCI data security standard (PCI-DSS) level 1 compliant. This is the most stringent level of security certification available for card payments and ensures GDPR provision compliance (GDPR (EU) 2016/679).
For full details of their privacy policies and terms & conditions please visit:
How Long Do We Store Your Personal and Sensitive Data
As required by law, all data is stored for a minimum period of six months from the point of service or purchase. After this period has lapsed, data can be deleted upon request.
Who Do We Share Your Personal and Sensitive Data With?
All data that is collected, processed and stored is secure and we do not share it with third parties. For details on how iCabbi, Judopay & Stripe handle your data please visit the links above.
Upon lawful request from authorities, we are obliged to assist and share personal data.
What Happens In The Unlikely Case Of A Data Breach?
If a data breach was to occur the ICO and affected consumers would be notified within 72 hours.
How Do We Detect A Data Breach?
Although unlikely, we must remain vigilant that a data breach could occur. M&R Cars have the latest cyber security and anti-virus software to ensure early detection and intervention.
M&R Cars have kept the ‘supply chain’ very compact, communicating directly with iCabbi, Judopay & Stripe, so that we can work in partnership to detect and inform of data breaches. Each member of the supply chain has stringent data policies and security and they have a duty of care to inform us of any data issues at the earliest possibility.
What Measures Do We Take To Ensure The Security Of Your Personal and Sensitive Data?
All members of office staff and drivers have received training and adhere to strict privacy and data protection policies. M&R Cars have kept the ‘supply chain’ very compact, working directly with iCabbi, Judopay and Stripe, so that we have a complete overview of how data is collected, processed and stored. Personal data is retained within our booking office cloud software (iCabbi) at all times and only trained office staff have restricted access.
We have a sole dedicated data protection officer who is registered with the ICO. You can contact our officer at anytime for enquiries or more information. The officer is responsible for overseeing the security and protection of both personal
and sensitive data. Our data protection officer is the only person who has access to sensitive data for the purpose of refunds and monitoring.
Using CCTV
M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd useCCTVinourbookingofficein Woodbridge torecordthegeneralpublic purely for the purposes of security & safety of our operational staff and as a deterrent and prevention to crime and criminal activity. NB: CCTV is not used to monitor work done bystaff.
TheCCTVsystemsareoperatedbyNesthttps://www.nest.co.ukwithallrecordingsstoredona‘Cloud’system for 30 days andaccessibleonlybytheManagingDirector,Mr. Jonathon Watsham. Receptionsignsareplacedandclearlyvisibleatbothbooking officein Woodbridge toinformcustomers.)
Letting people see CCTV Recordings
Anyone can ask to see images of recordings taken of them. Any request should be addressed to The Data Protection Officer , M&R Cars, Woodbridge, Ip124AU and we willprovidetheimagesandinformationwithin40daysofreceivinganysuchrequest.Bylawweareobligedtochargeafee of up to£10.
E-mail: info@mandrcars.co.uk