About us
M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd has a fleet of Standard cars, 8 seater Mini Bus & Executive vehicles. Some are company owned and maintained and some are driver owned. The services of professional drivers are used and they worktothehighstandardssetbythisfamilyownedbusiness. Privacy Policy & Data Protection M&R (Woodbridge) Ltdtake the responsibility of your privacy seriously and work to the standards & legislation set by The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and previously in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. This Privacy Policy describes how and why we obtain, store and process any data which can identify you. We update this policy regularly and publish any changes on our web site: www.mandrcars.co.uk How we use your information M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd offer variousservicestoboththeGeneralPublic&Business.Inorder,to provideandpayforthoseserviceswecollectinformationfromyou: Enquiries by Phone or Personal Appearance at Booking OfficesWemayrecordnames,pickupaddress,destinationandtelephone/mobilenumbers,detailsofdisability,numberandageof childrenanddetailsofpetsonanEnquiryFormatthepointofenquiry.Thisinformationisheldsecurelyunderlockandkeyovernightfor24hoursifabookingisnotmadeimmediately,after which it will beshredded. If a booking is confirmed details are recorded securely on an Cabdespatch booking system www.cabdespatch.com We may also use and analyse the aggregate (collective data that relates to a group or category of services or customers, from which individ- ual customer identities or characteristics have been removed) information collected through the analytics provision so that we can administer, support, improve and develop our business. Credit/debit card details may also be recorded to provide you with the services that you have requested. These transactions are operated via a card reader operated by Adelante www.adelante.com in compliance with the applicable current data protection laws. Enquiries Online by Website and/or E-mailCustomers can make enquiries for our services through our websites www.mandrcars,co.uk by recording and sending information to us on:Request a Call Back E-mail EnquiryAll personal information is recorded and used as above following the same guidelines as set by current data pro
E-Mail CommunicationAs part of the booking process you automatically opt in to e-mail communication from us as part of the service you are requesting. If at any stage you would prefer to stop e-mail communication, please “unsubscribe” in the footer of any non-transactional e-mail you receive from us.Booking OnlineTo book our services online through our website portal, customers are required to first register and provide personal details before booking and paying. This information is held securely on the A booking and management system (see above) Booking via Downloading our Mobile App Customers can book our services by Downloading our Android (Google) or Apple based Mobile App. and recording their per- sonal details. You should be aware that these sites maybe collecting information about you and you should check the respec- tive policies of each of these sites to see how exactly they use your information and to find out how to ‘Opt Out’ or delete such information. By Downloading the App., you “Opt-In” to receiving “Automated” real-time text notifications of the status of your booked taxi using your mobile number M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd receive personal information when the App is used, and this information is stored securely on the Cabdespatch booking & management system (see above) Accountability.NB: We do not pass data onto 3rd Parties unless it enables us to perform services requested by you.Booking Data is used securely by our operations staff for the purpose of providing a service. Operational Staff are regularly trained and supervised in handling personal data. The Managing Director is the only member of staff to have access to Operational Data. Collection of Website Data Log FilesWhensomeonevisitsourwebsites,wecollectstandardinternetloginformationanddetailsofvisitorbehaviourpatterns.We dothistofindoutthingssuchasthenumberofvisitorstothevariouspartsofthesite.Wecollectthisinformationinaway which does not identifyanyone.Wedonotmakeanyattempttofindouttheidentitiesofthosevisitingourwebsiteusingthedatainthelogs.Wewillnotasso- ciateanylogdatagatheredfromoursiteswithanypersonallyidentifyinginformationfromanysource. Comment and Enquiry FormsOur websites allow visitors to leave comments and contact us via an enquiry form. We collect the following information: ContactdetailssuchasName,Email,PhoneandFaxNumber,WebAddress,Companyname,IPAddress,CommentEnquiry M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd require this information for the following reasons:• To improve our products and services• To screen the validity and integrity of visitors interacting with us, company’s website and staff• Encourage visitor interaction and discussion on our website• Be able to respond to visitor enquiries• We may periodically send promotional email about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provide. You will have the opportunity to opt out of this at this time.
Cookiesaresmalltextfilesthatareplacedonyourcomputerbywebsitesthatyouvisit.Theyarewidelyused,in-ordertomake websiteswork,orworkmoreefficiently,aswellastoprovideinformationtotheownersofthesite.Cookiesthatareusedby ourwebsitesarenecessary,in-orderforustoprovideandimproveuponourvalue-addedproductsandservicesandtoremain competitive.Cookiesarenotsharedwithanythirdparties.
The following cookies will be set.
GoogleAnalytics:OurWebsitesuseGoogleAnalyticstomonitorandreportonourwebsiteusagesuchasthenumberofvisi- torstothesite,searchphrasesusedtofindus,pagesvisitedonthesiteandtimespentonthesite.Thestatisticsgatheredare anecessaryrequirementinorderforustoprovideandimproveourvalue-addedproductsandservicesandtostaycompetitive. ThecookiesdonotidentifyusersnorassociateyourIPaddresswithanypersonallyidentifiableinformation.Thesecookiesare usedtocollectinformationabouthowvisitorsuseoursite.Weusetheinformationtocompilereportsandtohelpusimprove thesite.Thecookiescollectinformationinananonymousform,includingthenumberofvisitorstothesite,wherevisitorshave come to the site from and the pages they visited. Google’s privacy policy is found here: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.htmlMost web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browsersettings.Tofindoutmoreaboutcookies,includinghowtoseewhatcookieshavebeensetandhowtomanageand delete them, visit: www.allaboutcookies.org.
To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Third Party Cookies
Ourwebsitesusefeaturesfromotherwebsitesthatmayleaveacookie.Thesearethird-partycookiesandwe’reunableto block or prevent them without removing the feature from our site. For information about those cookies you would need to checktheoriginator’swebsitefortheircookiepolicy.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In-order to
prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
Links to other websites
This website contains links to other websites of interest and relevance. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites, as such sites are not governed by this Privacy Policy. You should exercise caution and look at the Privacy Statement applicable to the website in question.
Accessing & Updating your Personal Information
Wewillnotsell,distributeorleaseyourpersonalinformationtothirdpartiesunlesswehaveyourpermissionorarerequiredby lawtodoso.Wemayuseyourpersonalinformationtosendyoupromotionalinformationaboutthirdpartieswhichwethink youmayfindinterestingifyoutellusthatyouwishthistohappen.Youmayrequestdetailsofpersonalinformationwhichwe holdaboutyouundertheDataProtectionAct1998.Asmallfeewillbepayable.Ifyouwouldlikeacopyoftheinformationheld, pleasewritetous.Ifyoubelievethatanyinformationweareholdingonyouisincorrectorincomplete,pleasewritetooremail usassoonaspossible.Wewillpromptlycorrectanyinformationfoundtobeincorrecttoensurethatitisaccurateandkeptup todate.Pleasecontactourassigneddataprotectionofficerat:
Managing Staff Records & Recruitment
Keeping Staff Information & Records
Staff information regardingNames,Addresses,TelephoneNumbers,E:Mail&MobileNumbers,arestrictlyconfidentialand heldsecurelyonfilesviaacompanyDropboxaccount.
Sickness,Health/Medical,Absence,Criminal,Workperformance,Training,Education&Qualifications,EmploymentT&C’sand Referencesetc.areallheldonseparatefilestotheabove.
Alloftheabove,canonlybeaccessedby Managing Directorofthecompanyandareonly usedtohelpwithoperations,administration,traininganddevelopmentatwork.
Staff Financial Details
AllBankDetailsofstaffforpaymentofwagesbyBACSTransferaretransferredtotheCompanyBank: The Co-operative Bank, Ipswich andissolelyaccessedandadministeredbytheManagingDirector:Mr Jonathon Watsham
Letting Staff see their Records
All M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd staff have a right to ask for a copy of the information the company holds about them. This includes information concerning grievance and disciplinary issues. The company will respond to any such request within 40 days. Any employee files for employees who no longer work for the company or whose contracts have been terminated are held securely in accordance with data protection regulations.
As recommended by the Data Protection Act 1998, personal information of employees, including contact details, appraisalsandreviewsarekeptforatleast5years.Weusuallykeepholdofemployees’financialforatleast3yearsasHMRCmay request to see them in this time. In general we keep employee records for 6 years following their departure from the organisation and then work out which records are still valuable for the business to retain and dispose of the records that aren’t as recommended within the Data Protection Act1998
Using CCTV
M&R (Woodbridge) Ltd useCCTVinourbookingofficein Woodbridge torecordthegeneralpublic purely for the purposes of security & safety of our operational staff and as a deterrent and prevention to crime and criminal activity. NB: CCTV is not used to monitor work done bystaff.
TheCCTVsystemsareoperatedbyNesthttps://www.nest.co.ukwithallrecordingsstoredona‘Cloud’system for 30 days andaccessibleonlybytheManagingDirector,Mr. Jonathon Watsham. Receptionsignsareplacedandclearlyvisibleatbothbooking officein Woodbridge toinformcustomers.)
Letting people see CCTV Recordings
Anyone can ask to see images of recordings taken of them. Any request should be addressed to The Data Protection Officer , M&R Cars, Woodbridge, Ip124AU and we willprovidetheimagesandinformationwithin40daysofreceivinganysuchrequest.Bylawweareobligedtochargeafee of up to£10.
E-mail: info@mandrcars.co.uk